For the Bluefaced Leicester enthusiast we have a lovely selection of hard to come-by Bluefaced Leicester collectable for sale. For more information on any of the items listed below, please contact me at: beechtrfrm (at)
The first item is a booklet about the History of the Bluefaced Leicester. This is an invaluable reference material to add to your Bluefaced Leicester library. $ 23.00 w/ shipping
Perfect for sipping a hot cup of tea from, our next item is no longer in production and it was produced by Border Fine Arts, Studio collection.
This 'Bluefaced Leicester' breed mug was approved and produced for the UK Bluefaced Leicester Sheep Breeders' Association.
I have 2 of these available, priced at $ 28.00 each (plus s&h)
Next we have a Stef's figurine of the Bluefaced Leicester, which is not currently available on the Stef's website. $ 40.00 (plus s&h)